Self-Care and Support

Do you take time out for your self-renewal?  Many people, especially women, have so little time.  Have you ever been so busy caring for others that you barely had time for yourself?  I know I have overextended myself, and I have also witnessed others stretched too thin. More

3 Mini Meditations

This brief meditation series demonstrates that we can use breath and intention for daily self-care. When exploring the exhale, do you feel naturally supported to let go? What is now available to you through your inhale? Do you feel vitality, a quality like peace or joy? What happens when you couple the breath intending to let go of the stress of daily life? Do you feel supported?

Exhale Release, Inhale Vitality

We exhale with or without our attention. In this meditation, we are tightening our attention to what it is like to exhale deeply and be aware of the inhale. Exhaling is a natural release when you deepen your experience of your exhale of what is more available to you.

Exhale Release, Inhale Vitality with Intention

Simply paying attention to our exhale and inhale can be clearing and vitalizing. As we harness the power of intention, we increase our ability to shift feelings and thought forms deliberately. Sometimes we don’t have to know what we are releasing; it can just be a feeling and affirm the inhale for the vitality of a compassionate life.


Release, Reset and Renew

When we pay attention to our complete exhale, just before we inhale, there is a gap. This gap has been called the point of power. It is the moment when the old is released, the moment of rest before the emerging inhale the new moment.


Rev. Karen Patrick Talks

Blessing of Light with Rev. Karen at Unity of Raleigh

Audio-only version of Rev. Karen’s talk, Blessing of Light, at Unity of Raleigh

Audio Block
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The Blessing of Gratitude at Unity Church of Greenville


Don’t Take It Personally at Unity of Brownsville